With destination weddings in Prague and Vienna becoming increasingly more popular, it is important to familiarize yourself with the laws of Austria and the Czech Republic well before the wedding date. Be aware that both countries require you and your future spouse to submit various documents two to four weeks in advance. These documents include passports, birth certificates, drivers’ licenses, proof of residence, and proof of marital status (such as divorce or death certificates for previous marriages).
Your documents must receive an apostille stamp in America, and they need to be translated into the respective country’s local language. The translations must also be certified, which is usually done in the country in which the wedding will take place. Normally you have to submit your documents and marriage application in person to the appropriate government offices (such as the town hall in Prague or the Office of Vital Statistics in Vienna) at least two weeks before the wedding. For this reason it is advised that either you or your spouse arrive in the city two weeks prior to the wedding.
Each government embassy charges different fees for these procedures, which you can verify either by phone or on the appropriate embassy’s website.